How To Prepare For A Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Expert tips from professional laser hair removal providers in Portsmouth.

Laser Hair Removal Portsmouth NHGetting ready for the beach season this year? Want to save time shaving in the shower so you can sleep in a little longer? While laser hair removal may not be the most glamorous or relaxing self-care treatment in Portsmouth, it is definitely worth it.

Despite the slight discomfort that laser hair removal can cause, it is one of the most highly sought-after beauty and maintenance treatments there is.

The silky-smooth skin and effortless glow that laser hair removal treatment provides are invaluable – and skipping the razor burn and nicks that occasionally happen is a welcome bonus for many of us! Looking to the summer ahead, here’s everything you need to know about preparing for your laser hair removal treatment, according to the expert providers in Portsmouth:

“Laser hair removal specialists will be able to remove undesired hair from your face, legs, arms, armpits, genitals, or buttocks with ease.”

  • Shave First!

While laser hair removal does remove your hair for you, shaving beforehand is still a must. Treatment providers recommend shaving at least 24 hours before your appointment. This is because, in order for the treatment to work its magic, your skin needs to be freshly shaved so the lasers can reach deeply into the hair follicles. While they admit that some areas are harder to reach than others, it is a big help and goes a long way for your results to have a fresh shave before you get to your appointment. We recommend using a handy and easy-to-use device to get the job done more easily.

  • Avoid Waxing

We know that we said you need to shave beforehand, but it is crucial to avoid waxing and tweezing before your laser hair removal. This is due to the fact that the laser actually targets the pigment of the hair follicle itself, so if it’s gone the laser won’t be effective. So leave those follicles alone if you want the laser therapy to be effective and deliver the long-lasting results you are looking for!

  • Work With a Certified Treatment Provider

If you are interested in laser hair removal, it is important to understand that the procedure is no simple matter. If left to a non-certified provider, you expose yourself to some serious potential damages and side effects. These include burns, permanent pigment damage, and permanent damage to the skin.

If you want to avoid these undesirable side effects, make sure you trust certified, experienced, and professional providers in Portsmouth.

  • Don’t Wear Makeup!

This is another biggie!

We can’t tell you how many times we have been assured that all makeup has been removed just to apply an alcohol pad and see the makeup stains. If you fail to remove all of your makeup before your laser hair removal appointment, you can experience some severe brubing sensations due to the laser treatment failing to penetrate through and burning the layer of makeup! Trust us – this is an unpleasant experience. Our providers here in Portsmouth will always ensure to remind you to do this and check before they begin the laser hair removal process.

What Are The Results Of Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal Portsmouth NHBy causing the source of hair synthesis and growth to become dormant, laser hair removal treatments are the only permanent option for dealing with excessive or unwanted hair growth.

Cosmetic laser technology allows clinicians to operate with precision in even the smallest and hardest to pinpoint areas of the body.

The treatment lasts for a period of no longer than four weeks, and after a few sessions, you will begin to notice your hair disappear and your skin becoming permanently sleek and soft. Once the hair is gone, you no longer have to worry about consistent upkeep. Laser hair removal results in targeted, permanent hair loss for any bikini line.
Benefits of laser hair removal:

  • Quick, easy process
  • Minimally invasive
  • Precise targeting
  • Targeted hair removal
  • After a few sessions, hair will begin to not regrow for a longer period of time
  • Smooth, silky skin appearance
  • Prevents ingrown hairs
  • A long-term solution to shaving and resulting cuts/irritation

Best Laser Hair Removal Service in Portsmouth

Hair growth is a dynamic and constantly active process, and the hair follicle is the origin of hair synthesis and growth. By delivering concentrated light waves into the hair follicles, the follicle absorbs and becomes damaged by the light, serving to permanently retard future growth. By utilizing a laser rather than toxic chemicals or painful peels, the process of hair removal becomes safer, more effective, and much more precise.

Due to the deep penetration to the source of where hair is synthesized, hair removal in this fashion results in permanent loss of hair and its ability to regrow. Overpriced temporary hair maintenance and tedious waxing and shaving routines can now be a thing of the past.

If you want to get that sexy, silky-smooth for the whole summer, reach out to the laser hair removal experts at Thrive Medical Spa in Portsmouth at 603-496-8802.

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